Phosphoric acid produced by the wet process is in the ortho form. 用湿法生产的磷酸呈正磷酸状态。
Discussion on Some Process Problems in the Slurry Reactor of Phosphoric Acid Production by Wet Process 湿法磷酸料浆反应器中若干工艺问题的探讨
Determination of Magnesium from Phosphoric Acid by Wet Process with Chromotrope 2R Spectrophotometry Chromium and Health 铬变酸2R分光光度法测定湿法磷酸中的微量镁
Study on making phosphoric acid from seabed phosphorite by wet process 海底磷钙土湿法制备磷酸的研究
Application of Multi-modeling Neural Network Soft-sensing Technique in the Phosphoric Acid by Wet Process RBF多模型神经网络软测量技术在湿法磷酸生产中的应用
Calcium hydrogen phosphate is synthesized by using hydrobromic acid separation from waste liquid generated in the production of bromine hydride via quaternary ammonium salt phase trans-catalyst, based on preparing phosphoric acid by wet process. 将采用季铵盐相转移催化剂生产溴化氢时产生的废液中的氢溴酸分离出来,在制取湿法磷酸的基础上合成出磷酸氢钙。
Phosphogypsum is a solid waste generated in the manufacture of phosphoric acid by wet process. 磷石膏是湿法磷酸生产时排出的固体废弃物。